Thursday, September 22, 2005

Our Numbers Are Dwindling

Hillary's on her way to Edmonton. Her gracious Nana will take her to the Depot to catch the 5:45 am bus, and her equally gracious Aunty will pick her up at the other end and put her up in Hotel splendour for the weekend. She's off to shop and otherwise celebrate her 17th birthday in grand style.

Thomas is off tomorrow morning as well, although not as early. Six church youth are heading to a retreat in Manitoba.

Which leaves us with only Micah.

(Anybody need a mascot for a few days?!)

There's the potential for it to be quiet, but knowing The One who is left behind, I rather doubt it.

We'll have fun.

It looks like things are coming together for the Ministers and Spouses retreat we're signed up for the first week of October. Child care for Micah is in place, and I have a date with my Sister from Yellowknife who will be in the neighbourhood. Looking forward to that.

I'll have to do some heavy duty baking this week, both to leave for the High Schoolers who will be staying here, and for the College student who will expect a care package to accompany the computer we're dropping off on our way by.

I'm anticipating a more relaxed weekend. There's only a breakfast our Church ladies are catering to help at. No preaching.


Time to start looking for Dreamland.  Morning always comes too soon.

1 comment:

  1. Can you make me brownies? and cinnamon buns? and strawberry jam?

    and I have a list of stuff I forgot to bring, that you'll have to look for...I'll email it later. But all the boxes are labelled, so it shouldn't be too hard to find anything.
