Friday, March 17, 2006

Top 'O The Mornin' To Ya

Yeah, it's that time of "spring" again. (it's still snowing and blowing, and looking more like Christmas should be coming than Easter and that is all I'll say about the W-E-A-T-H-E-R today.)

Half of my audience is away this weekend, so I feel much less motivated than usual to dust off my fake Irish accent and turn out the green today.

I had to content myself with sending green snacks in their road trip lunches...(oops, just remembered the green grapes in the fridge that I forgot to add...)

Micah, on the other hand, will receive the full brunt of any Irish-ness there is to be had today. After his "Lucky Charms" cereal breakfast (which is indeed a treat, since I normally refuse to buy any cold cereal that costs more than $3.00/box) and his green Mac & Cheese "casserole" lunch (blue food colouring in the boiling water to turn the yellow-ish pasta green; with a cup of frozen peas added during the last 3 minutes of cooking and a tin of drained tuna  tossed in at the end...well we like it!) and a plate full of green-iced shamrock sugar cookies. (that was indeed a mouthful, in so many ways!)

I almost didn't make the macaroni for lunch, as I have some spinach fettucine for supper.

So, now that the main floor has been vacuumed, and the potato roll dough is rising and I still have half an hour before #3 gets home from school...I think I'll go visit my Sims.


  1. Y'know, there are times no-one knows who the patron saint of Oestereich is.

  2. What grapes, I never got no graps!
