Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Slim Pickin's

I've been busy making jam and jelly.

Besides pulverizing that case of apricots into delicious edibles I also cleaned, cooked and juiced a huge box of crabapples into three dozen pints of jelly for the husband of a friend from the Elementary School. (the jelly is a paying job, though, so the 11 hours spent on that is well compensated)

This week we're off to points South.

Well, as far South as Broadview, Saskatchewan.

It will be good to connect with my parents a bit. It's been an age since we visited with them.

Then it'll be home again to have an early birthday party for Daughter #1 and to get her off to her "Au Pair" stint in Switzerland.

Next we'll be moving Daughter #2 to her new University digs in the city.

Somewhere in there we'll celebrate a Wedding Anniversary, and try to take some down time to recover from last year and get mentally and emotionally ready for this fall.

Time to go do some laundry and find some empty pickle jars to bring along to my Mom's!

And it's getting hot again.


  1. Hey, hope you guys have really a good holiday!

  2. We always know when we'll have some good hot weather in Saskatchewan!! Seems it's whenever you go home to do some canning with your Mom.

    Dress "light"...... and enjoy your vacation.

  3. Do you know when Hillary will be moving into the condo? I think our other roommate will be there by August 18th, and I will be back somewhere between the 26th-28th. Just curious!
