Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bring It On, Baby!

The rest of the week, I mean.

The Halloween Tea and Bake Sale went off without a hitch, thanks to the many volunteer and conscripted helpers.

The Moms who came to lend a hand and the grade 7 and 8 kids who set up tables, and served and cleaned up were fiercely awesome.

Now we wait for the little ghosts and ghouls and princesses and screamer- mask guys.

I wonder how many children will be out tonight. Probably more big kids alone than small ones with parents... if I were taking kids around the neighborhood tonight, you can bet we wouldn't be out long. Too cold, too windy... and it's starting to snow.

It's been that kind of a day.

But as for me and my house... well, after supper (and those onions, to go with the steak, are looking absolutely marvelous!) the boys are off to a Youth group event, and the husband and I? Maybe some peace and quiet infrequently interrupted by the doorbell.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

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