Saturday, August 23, 2008

Was There Ever Any Doubt?

Just took the 1930's Marital Scale test,

And I am, of course, a Superior Wife.

On a 100% scale, I scored 95.

Try it yourself, if you like.

Unless being a Superior 1930's Wife is too frightening a prospect for you...

I've always said I was born in the wrong century...


  1. I scored 67. Some interesting things in those lists!!!

  2. 55 for me....hmm, good thing it's 2008 ;)

  3. That didn't work. Anyway, I scored 124. I am very superior as a 30's husband!

  4. 124As a 1930s husband, I amVery SuperiorTake the test!

  5. I'm glad I could help you lead others astray. I'm just amazed that I rank anywhere on the scale while working full time. Isn't that just swell?

  6. 67 for me, too. Superior? Okay with me.

  7. Hmm... That might just be too scary for me! I don't think I would want to score too high on that. My mom would be very disappointed and think she failed me in some way :)
