Wednesday, May 5, 2010

There's A Song In The Air...

And it's coming from the Yamaha Arius, YDP-140 Digital Piano.

The one we bought today after we saw Hillary safely on her way, via Greyhound Bus, to Saskatoon for the summer.

The one that JUST barely fit into the backseat of the car.

The one Micah and Randall just finished putting together.

I may look calm and collected on the outside, as I  sit at the table typing this up...

But my fingers are twitching and I'm dancing on the inside!


  1. Funny you should be looking at those - last week I took my mother on a digital piano shopping expedition too. Her hands are arthritic and she has little strength left due to the Myasthenia - the Yamaha action was too heavy for her and the unit too large. The one she loved was a Roland DP990, although the pricing was 'interesting'.

    But we came away without buying. She knows someone who knows someone who might arrange for a deep discount, so we'll see.

    Hope you enjoy it - that should be a great, fun keyboard.

  2. nice "birthday present" :)

  3. This is the happiest thing I've heard for a long time. I think dancing is in order - inside and outside!

  4. Hooray! So happy for you!!!

  5. i know you will enjoy it. glad you found one.
