Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Can See! I Can See! It's A Miracle!

On Wednesday we slept in a little bit, then took our visiting selves out for a jaunt to Stanley Park.

We stopped at a MarketPlace IGA to pick up some buns, luncheon meat and drinks.

It was a beautiful sunny day. The wind was cool, which was nice. Lowered the climate shock value.

We had a very nice picnic at Prospect Point, then took a few pictures, had our first hard ice cream cone of the season, and made our way back to Johanna's.

On our way up in the elevator, we laughed at my blindness as I realized I hadn't taken my sunglasses off.

I unclipped the shade, and I remember fumbling with the case a bit, before putting it in it's usual outside pocket on my purse.

On Thursday we picked up Johanna and Norah and made our way to Granville Island for the afternoon.

As we were driving, I went to the sunglass pocket on my purse only to find it empty.

I couldn't think what had happened to the clip-on shade.

Before we got back to the hotel Thursday night we had looked on every floor of the apartment building, retraced my steps through the basement car park, torn my purse and every canvas bag I'd brought apart, looked in corners at Johanna's apartment, searched the car and come up empty handed.

No sunglasses in their little leather case.

I was praying, as I went to bed, that Jesus would put them in a place where I could see them, intending to give the apartment and the common areas of the building one last thorough going-over when we went to say goodbye in the morning.

Friday morning we got up, packed and started to load the car.

Randall and I took the first load of duffel bags and pillows down, and after I'd unloaded my armful I turned to put my bag in the front seat.

There, on the cement in front of the truck that we had parked beside Thursday night, was the leather sunglass case. Sunglasses inside. Intact.

Randall noted that they hadn't been there Thursday night when we parked.

I'm not sure how they spent Wednesday night to Friday morning,

But I was warmed to the core of my being when God put them right where I'd see them before we left for home.

He's good, and I'm still His girl, and He still likes me that much.