Friday, February 8, 2013

The Week In Review

The Husband will be home in eight or nine hours now. It would be dishonest of me to say that I did not, even once, regret that I chose to stay home and let him proceed to San Diego, California alone.

On the whole, though, I have been glad that I made the choice I did.

Of course, that could just be the Reflexology talking...

I've had a nice, relaxed week, for the most part. It's been fairly quiet, which is not a bad thing, and although we didn't have California temperatures, (either here or in California, by all reports),  it's been nice and spring-like.

I've successfully run through my "home alone bucket list". The only low point of the week was the blood letting at the hospital lab on Monday afternoon, but that was an unavoidable date with destiny.

Yup. It was a good week.

Found my way to Costco and Value Village in Edmonton after a nice breakfast date and the not-so-nice lab appointment on Monday.

Tuesday found me chillin' at home; a bit of laundry, moving a bit of furniture, rearranging a couple of rooms.

Wednesday was about friends- coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon.

Thursday was "Haircut" and "Used Book Store" and "Out For Supper" day. Supper with friends was great fun, but the jury's still out on the haircut.

I just got back from a Reflexology session in Wetaskiwin, and I've got a couple of hours to work on my quilt class square before I head out for supper and a pedicure with some more friends.

Rough life, I know.

I only hope Himself comes home as rested as I feel!

Did I say it's been a good week?

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